Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1
Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1

  1. Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1 upgrade#
  2. Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1 android#

(I also disconnected the WD FireWire 800 external HD and replaced it with a USB 3 Fantom Drive, but not sure if that's related.) Once I did that, the available disk space reports seemed to stabilize and I haven't had any crashes since then. But through all this weirdness no actual data seemed to be lost.Įventually I went through an arduous effort to find and move all the big files and directories that didn't need fusion drive-level performance until I cleared about 300+ GB of free space. Like somehow the OS had lost track of what was free disk space and started writing swap into bad places? I have no idea. And then it would crash again and I would find myself back around 50 GB disk space available. I checked for crash dumps or other kinds of new big files and found nothing.

mac os 7.6 application crash type 1

On rebooting, it now appears that there is just 50 GB or less space left. Disk space appears better now (80 GB available again), so yay! Then the iMac crashes again. I thought maybe swap space was an issue and would delete or move files to a Western Digital FireWire external HD when the computer rebooted. Eventually I noticed that after restarts my Finder windows in the status bar at the bottom were showing very low available HD space (e.g. I ran hardware tests on my drive and RAM, I minimized my application usage, nothing seemed to reliably help. I experienced this issue for days or weeks at a time, often with less than 30 minutes between crashes. I'll tell you anyway in case it helps for me this was on a Late 2015 27" iMac with 3 TB fusion drive. I can tell you I solved this issue, but I can't tell you why it worked. Service:, total successful checkins since load (7090 seconds ago): 709, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago Service:, total successful checkins since load (7120 seconds ago): 701, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago Service returned not alive with context : unresponsive dispatch queue(s): -wl Panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff801dd53a13): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 120 seconds I used to brag to my friends how stable and secure MacOS was.

Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1 android#

This time it crashed with Android studio open, safari open, the app store open, and amazon music playing. The odd thing is one time it crashed when I wasn't even using the computer.

mac os 7.6 application crash type 1 mac os 7.6 application crash type 1

Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1 upgrade#

With the upgrade to Big Sur 11.0.1, my iMac Retina 4K 6-core intel core i7 has become highly unstable.

Mac os 7.6 application crash type 1